I was having fun gaming tonight for the first time in 3 weeks but then my boyfriend's family started acting up. They have 6 kids and 3 bedrooms for them as well as a "children's lounge". Who the hell has a "children's lounge"? Snooty much?

I have never, in all my life, heard of parents rearranging their children's living quarters every few weeks but these people are apparently nuts enough to do it.

When I first met my boyfriend, he shared a room with two of his brothers. His sister had her own room that is bigger than her siblings' room (because she's the princess of the whole world) and the other two boys shared the third room.

Then they moved the two boys with my boyfriend out to the children's lounge and made it into a sort of "bedroom" for them. After that, they got mad at my boyfriend for playing WoW (they don't like him playing games…or eating…or breathing…) and put him in their 12 year old son's bunkbed and gave my boyfriend's bed (and room) to the bratty 12 year old as a reward for tattling on him.

They kept bitching and bitching at him, "Stop playing that game or get the hell out of our house!" You'd almost swear he was doing drugs instead of just playing a video game in his free time.

Eventually, they forced him to cancel his game account (that he was paying for with his own money) and gave him back his own room…for a whopping 3 weeks. Now they're moving his younger brother – the bitchy one who is currently in sex therapy…and has been since age 17! – in with him. They have been yelling and screaming so much that he began to have an anxiety attack and threw up.

So now I'm basically on "Boyfriend Watch". I have the phone with me in case he needs to call me to talk because it's 9:30 at night where he is and they're just ripping everything apart. Their excuse is, "lyke lol we need room 4 our kitchen chairs cuz lyke we r redoing teh kitchen 4 $50,000 4 fun lol!"

Really, $50,000. That's what some people make in a year! And his Mom is using it to remodel an already beautiful kitchen just because she is bored! It must be nice to not have a job or have to clean or take care of your own kids and still have $400,000 to spend a year. I wouldn't know, I wasn't raised to be a worthless bitch who marries for money.

$50,000 for a kitchen…and his parents won't even loan my boyfriend $10 for a meal. What assholes. You gotta love them. They'll give their daughter tens of thousands of dollars to go to therapy she doesn't need and to buy clothes and makeup, all the best and most expensive! But they get mad if my boyfriend spends $5 on something from Wendy's.

As if that isn't enough, I'm basically hiding in my room in case my Dad comes home drunk. Ooooh, this takes me back to when I was a little kid and had to hide from him several nights a week to avoid his stupid, drunken banter.

Families. <3

Head throbbing. Right side, above my eye, ow. O_o


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