I have GAD and I have finally come to terms with having this disorder, I was diagnosed in May 2000. It has taken me about 17 years to not fight it , but to understand it and be aware of my triggers. I have a few things that help me make it through a bad day.

  1. Write: if you have a lap top or computer just sit down and start writing, don’t worry about spelling and other technical stuff. There are times I don’t have access to my lap top, so I use paper and pen. I set a timer for one hour and just write whatever is in my mind, I think it and it goes down on paper.
  2. List: Jot down a list every morning while eating breakfast or having a cup of hot green tea. make this list contain the projects you want to accomplish for the day. it doesn’t make any difference if the project is big or small.
  3. Keep a record of feelings: during the day as your cleaning or at work when you feel bogged down or cheerful or sad. Take out your little note pad and jot those feelings down and what you are doing at that time.
  4. End of the day: when everything Is winding down and your getting ready for bed, just before the lights are turned off. jot down what made you happy during the day, also write what you accomplished.

Trust me it does seem like a lot of writing, but after a week of keeping track of these few things go back and read it. this can help you realize where you were happy and sad and if possible stick to the things that make you happy. and try to understand the things that make you sad. There are times I read my writings and wonder where was my mind that day. and I sometimes get a good laugh. writing is a great tool for you.

1 Comment
  1. lindel 7 years ago

    Thanks for the ideas. I had been writing daily gratitudes but have slowly wandered off from that. Spend a lot of time with meditation and yoga. Will try some of your ideas also

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