The longer i live the more I realize so many people have their heads in the cloud or their head in their ass. With all this crazy stuff that has been going on i can’t help but think each step through to the end. I cant help but over think, over feel, and over look at the same time to keep myself feeling safe.

Some where growing up I knew that i deserved so much. I knew for a fact that I should be treat with respect because everyone should get that unless proven other wise. The first time I met people I respect their space, their thoughts and their decisions. Normal right you would think.

But so far im 26 and I have only had a handful of people who think like i do. its weird sometimes for me. I knew my thought process was way different then other people. but now i feel more lonely more upset that every is oblivious to all the very common sense things. Sometimes I want to open my mouth and tell them what i think about them because why would I care if they hate me or like me. In the end I dont even say whats on my mind because I dont even think its worth my time. Then I regret it because I feel like it was a disservice. im kind of annoyed.


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