Well it's Sunday and I am genuinely exhausted. I really think once JS and I have moved in with AO it will be so much easier. Weekends are majorly hectic with the three youngest boys all in soccer starting on Saturdays when we get them (AO gets them Sat to Tues mornings during the school year),fitting in time my oldest boy and grandson, shuffling JS and AS to and from friends and trying to visit with our own parents and extended family, and also trying to spend some quality time with each other it can be a true three ring circus. Now throw in some OCD and it can get pretty exciting. Ninety percent of the time things tend to run pretty smooth, but once it starts to crumble it all get pretty chaotic. This weekend was so exceptionally good that it kind of took us all by surprise. AO is really starting to work at taking control of his OCD and the anxiety that comes with it. I also believe that it helps when the rest of us work with him as well. For example we all know that his hygiene routines can take quite some time, he likes to believe he can things done quickly, but we know different. Instead of getting upset and angry we are all finding ways to work around it and keeping the tension down. I am not saying we are enabling his OCD, but we do know that if keep hounding him to change something he can not help it will lead to high anxiety and leads to the OCD getting even worse. This weekend he barely had any obssesive thoughts, he did not need to be constantly reassured that the laundry was clean enough or that he used enough soap.

We don't have a perfect relationship, but the again who honestly does? More than his OCD I am worried about the differences we have in the way we parent our children. Our move in date is getting closer and I am looking forward to it. I am nervous and excited at the same time.

Yup I love the weekends, especially when they work out so well.



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