UK business, profit, and the arts culture.
If there were more jobs advertised to jobseekers, who previously claimed benefits, in the arts culture section, that receives money also from the government to aid the volunteers who graft, teaching citizens about the arts culture and how to volunteer themselves, (maybe these volunteers would also be paid if…) and we exported the actual gear for the internet, films, The fighting rings, home cinemas, music, porn, and even fine art exhibitions which are a good way, when selling in personal exhibitions, making hard cash to spend on your house and daily cost of living. Even if you want to buy other peoples art to exhibit on the walls of your own home which would cost you more living expenses! Anyway, more jobs advertised for making the actual GEAR for hosting festivals and exporting it abroad for national income and profit.

Reincarnation proves resurrection via refwrawremoulding instead, is real. Anyone can do this since the gift of resurrection has been shared to other white magic magicians. We can resurrect people whilst teleporting them at the same time to somewhere else however they have to enter the underworld so they are usually in a trance (asleep and unaware) so it is easier sometimes to just wake them up when they get very old, which a sleep expert employed could help with, if we can locate the body then this is half of the problem solved, if we can gain access to the body in need of a youthful respawn (of which everyone falls under needing when they get too old as gods rules have changed mortals to under this category under certain wishes made), that is the other half of the problem. As for respawning, no problem if you have heard of “the sport” fighting on a real TV box, real internet or if you go in real life. (I do believe old, or ill in need of resetting certain chakras citizens should go there under the label of NHS doctors or private doctors ambulance trafficking channels routinely and openly.)

if you give me back my freedom from the mental health act jail i am in by making it so they have to take me out when i want, where i want and for how long i want then i can gain access to the body if i can just meet certain people in my family you would have all your families resurrected by the 50% angels looking after you in time, meanwhile, comfort yourselves with the arts culture, you all deserve it, apart from Brian. get that childlock taken off your internet off your phone and watch real porn, thats what most people do, or the sport and learn to fight and respawn people yourselves to look after your loved ones when they get old.


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