Yesterday my son brought our Grand Daughter over to visit. He told me that he couldn’t leave the baby with us unattended because his GF thinks that because I have anxiety and take medication I’m mentally ill and unstable.  She doesn’t want the baby left around me. My son said he has tried many times to explain to her that I’m not mentally ill and I have a medical condition that is being treated.
I was a Police Officer for 16 years when I had to resign due to my anxiety. Very early on in my career I was involved in two shootings that dramatically changed my life. This is when I started having panic attacks. Since that time I have struggled through the anxiety but I have managed to hold it off up until 2 years ago when it hit me really hard. I have gone through a lot of changes due to this and one of them has been my freedom with driving.
I wonder to myself, how many ignorant people out there think that people with anxiety disorders are crazy in some form. It not only hurts me deeply, but makes me very angry. I have tried like hell to overcome my anxiety and so far have done a good job at doing so. It’s not nearly as bad as it was and has improved. Now, I’m faced with having to explain why to someone who isn’t open to listening in the first place. Why should I have to explain how I feel to someone who feels I’m a threat to their daughter because I have an anxiety disorder?
This is my Grand Daughter were talking about, my precious little angel. How could anyone think that I would ever do harm to her is beyond me. Why would anyone think that just because I have an anxiety disorder makes me mentally ill or crazy, that’s just ignorance.
I’m very deeply hurt.
  1. Chanda 16 years ago

    Wow, that  is sad and rude.  I know some ppl think we are crazy, but its not liek we'd ever put anyone in harm.  Its sad how ppl think without knowing everything.  For ppl with this, we are very strong, stronger then ppl know, to have to deal with this!  I hope ur daughter in law realizes that your not crazy and you'd never harm ur grand baby, that would make me mad too.  Ya know lots of ppl with anxiety and panic attacks have KIDS!  Anyways, I hope everything works out for you.  Im here if ya need a ear.

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  2. debs 16 years ago

    eric your words have made me so sad….. u dont deserve this callous treatment from another human being especially as they are a part of your family….. it stems from anxiety/mental illness still being a stigma…….. this has to stop….. how can a medical practitioner give advice sooverpowering and disabling as to stop you looking after your precious granddaughter…….  you need to write this person a letter stating facts and tell him/her to get a grip pf what so many thousands of people are suffering from and because of his/her ignorance will continue to suffer from


    i hope i dont sound too harsh but i care about you an issues that involve ignorance around anxiety etc….. good luck eric and let me know how youi get on …. debsXXX

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  3. thelifeofjade 16 years ago

     🙁 Im sorry that your son's girl friend is so understanding.  Do you think talking to her about it from your own point of view would make it any easier or clearer to her? I know some people don't want to and can't get it through but maybe trying to explain things could help. ((hugs)) I hope that things clear up and she can see you for who you are, a loving and caring person and not for what you deal with on a daily basis. 



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  4. maggie 15 years ago

    The ignorance is still out there although it is much better now than it has ever been before. I guess like everything else, it just takes time.

    Being a Police Officer is an under paid and admirable job. You get little thanks for it. 16 years is a long time Lots don't make it near that long. Good for you. Be proud of those years.

    I agree with the others that maybe sitting down with her and just explaining what your anxiety is all about. It is an illness just like a physical one. Would she not let your granddaughter see you if you had cancer or diabetes?

    You should not have to explain yourself to anyone but in this case if it means being able to see that precious little girl than it would be worth it.

    I know how this must hurt. Not being allowed to see one of my grandchildren would kill me. She is not only depriving you, she is depriving that little girl of a loving Grandfather.

    Best of luck with this.

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