I figured it out. Stupid people are not the BUTTHOLE of society- Yet they PEOPLE who allow Stupid people to get away with teir short comings are the ASSHoles causeing the butthole (lol) If someone would just not allow te big tit blonde to get away with her like total you know lack of brains (and no im not some bitter ugly girl – I have big boobs and Im blonde – look at my pic) However i pride myself on expanding my brain. When I quit my job it wasnt just because I didnt want to sit by and be pushed around by a pre-menapausal balding woman with a low IQ …no it was that my IQ was suffering my mind my soul my body from stress was suffering and NO ONE should have to deal with that from anyone..There is no reason you should have to put up with something – anything – you are always in control of your car(life) and stoplights(events in life) can only delay you and wrong turns (bad chioces) can oly make you re-direct yourself and yes you have the occasional wreck with another car(people) but you re-pair the damage and drive off eventually reaching your final destination. And the whole time you were in the drivers seat you choose to turn left or right stop or go…the only thing stupid people can do is rear end you at a stop light (lol) you just get out scream – dont let them say sorry and make them pay- then you drive off with the knowledge they didnt get away with being knowingly dumb….So if we are to blame anyone for ppl being stupid blame yourself cause at one point you let some " dumb blonde" get away with that stereotype..then you added to the problems….When I left my job I told my boss that she lacked in areas like being professional for one …I made no excuses for her..But I am still driving to where I want to go I just happen to meet one stupid dumb person on the way…se needed to pay.——–If you follow what I am trying to say then next time someone does something like a complete dumb-ass tell them …and the world will THANK YOU!!! this me sending my thoughts out hoping someone will catch.

1 Comment
  1. WadeAlexander72 15 years ago

    Ah, welcome to the wonderful world we live in where the stupid are rapidly multiplying while the intelligent are a dying breed. Everywhere you go you see it, hear it, read about it…people are getting stupider by the day (not to mention ruder, meaner, nastier, etc) and I wish it wasn”t so.

    I blame the media for this, and for a lot of parents for allowing this to happen – for allowing the media to raise their children for them. Common sense is rare in today”s world. It”s dying out. Intelligence is dying out. The amount of stupid is rapidily multiplying…unless it”s in a soundbyte or quick clip on tv, most people don”t care.

    The older you get the worse it gets as well. 🙁

    Problem with your solution is that while it will feel good to tell these dimwits off, they still won”t get it. You”d have to essentially kidnap them, tie them up for about a month, and blast things into their ear until maybe they MAY get an idea of what you”re talking about. 🙁



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