I Just moved to a fairly rural area, right on the outskirts of another state's border. Not quite familiar with the back roads neglected by the highway, but tonight I decided to take a drive. I turned the heat on in my car and slid the sunroof back, exposing the prettiest full moon I've ever seen.

The sky way navy blue, and the clouds looked crotched around the bright glow. I'm driving down this long, windy dark road vibing to music when it abruptly cuts off. Bad signal I figure, then quickly realize this means no reception for a GPS either.

Regardless, I continue to drive. The crickets and leaves crunching underneath my tires serenaded the quiet drive along with my thoughts. I start thinking about how far I've come from those dark, dark days where I wanted to die. I wanted my existence to be literally erased, but I'm still here.

I still have dark days, but I can handle them a lot better now. So I begin talking out loud to God. Rambling concerns, asking for guidence, and voicing concerns. By this time I'm 45mins down this long roac, took a couple turns, came across a couple 'fork in the roads', and have no clue where I am.

So I keep driving, and things start to look familar! Some how this country road led me to an area down the street from my house. I Begin to chuckle because it was as if God was trying to show me something:

I worry ALOT, but perhaps I have to cut off the distractions in my life, be still, and just listen. He'll show me in his time, in his way. My 'road' may be unfamiliar, long, and even scary but if I just trust him, he'll show me the way.

This really lifted my spirits tonight,

Depression doesn't make me. It's apart of my story…

1 Comment
  1. elf 9 years ago

    Thanks for sharing with us. That was uplifting.

    0 kudos

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