As I look at my surroundings I see that there are so many people who initially put out that they are so interested in you…. as time runs on I can see that this could not be farther from the truth. Most people actually just put up with what you are saying….. There is really no feeling of anything towards you. I have felt this a lot recently. Yet do they not understand that it really hurts and adds to the troubles which each of us have. I haave studied for years in the scriptures and found that there is a requirement to love one another yet do they really love us? I think they only tolorate us.. I have found this from my own wife… as long as things are going her way things are good yet if there are any other problems it is a non issue with her because it does not directly affect her. Additonally I have found this is true through the world people each of us work with are this way… Attention addicts they want you to pay attention to them when they feel lost or lonely yet if you are in a similar predicament they have no time for you or the troubles which are playing you. It is most dis heartening…. but as I have found in the past these types of people will never change and will eventually get them selves into another situation where again their problems are the only thing which is important…. sooner or later they will just fade into the back ground and no longer be…. just like I feel I am at this time. I cannot be missed… yet I am not so the importance I have felt in the past is only a stumbling block for those who are so much more important than I…..

  1. Deeprhatt 14 years ago

    It is true though….it really seems as though when others need something, they can hardly wait to talk to you yet if you have something building up and need to talk well it is not convenent for them to listen…. Oh well I guess it is totally usless to actually point it out to someone…Ha Ha

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  2. Deeprhatt 14 years ago

    Ha Ha Ha… who ever this last post was from is a prime example of someone taking advantage of an assumed weakness…..

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  3. snowdreamer 14 years ago

    I too know of the people out there who only think of themselves I've been around them too many times to count and have been treated the same way when I need to talk there's no one who cares to listen.  I wish each person could have some of the pain we do and then maybe they would understand.  My family doesn't understand and I hear excuses like I'm lazy or get over it or just get a life or my favorite do something and it will make you feel better….what do they know?  Why don't they understand you know?  Listen if you need someone to talk to I WILL listen and I'm always around here just drop me a note ok?

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  4. Deeprhatt 14 years ago

    Snow dreamer thanks for the reply. It does seem like there are so many people who are the way I explained, and comments like those are  priceless, because when you consider the source of them it seems as though again they are only making a comment to basically shut you up. They really do not care because if they did they would actually put a little thought into the reply they are making to you. I have never been lazy and at times I have had three jobs and going to school…. so no one could accuse me of being that there are sometimes though I do stop for a while and think about what I m going to do next…. but with me working normally a 12 to 16 hour day those are few and far between.. Ha Ha I will contact you when I do need to talk.. Thanks for your help.

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