Today was a huge eye opener.

My dad came to visit me at college, which was exactly what I needed. He just left, but it was nice to have the company while it lasted. Having him visit was definitely comforting so of course now I feel a lot emptier than before. It would be nice to have someone that cared about me around more often. 

While my dad was here, we decided to check out some apartments for next year. As most of you know, I'm studying abroad in Australia so I won't be able to move in until December. Most of the apartments in the area are student living apartments; meaning that leases run starting in the fall only. Since I will be gone from July-December this obviously isn't possible. We decided to check out another place I've heard of that is directly across from the hospital and nursing school (which is perfect for me; however, it's far away from everyone else). These apartments are beyond nice. They layout contains a master bedroom, full bath attached, living room, study den, half bath, kitchen, and dining room. 

During the tour, I was listening to my dad rattle off questions to the realtor and couldn't even keep up. I was just standing in the middle of the apartment wondering what the hell I would do with so much space. it is crazy to go from living in a single dorm room to a fairly large apartment. Plus, now I get to have the joys of dealing with all the utilities and bills that come with living in an apartment. Student living is already furnished and includes utilities and all that to make it easy for students, but the apartments I looked at were "real" apartments I guess you could say. You're on your own. Maybe that is a good thing? it'll teach me to grow up even faster. Granted, I've always know i would have my own place someday; I just can't believe that someday is almost here. 

I shouldn't even be concerned about this now considering I won't move in for a little over a year, but the thought is stuck in the back of my head. A part of me is extremely excited and another part is fearful and in shock. I'll take one step at a time and focus on Australia for now…


1 Comment
  1. doug4506 14 years ago

    Hi its Doug from Pittsburgh.  Your so wise in the way you handle your tough moods and emotions.  You will be fine with the apartment and Australia. I think your very special.

    0 kudos

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