In sleep, the soul comes out and travels until it comes into the presence of thecreator. If the sleeper is in a state of purity, his or her soul prostrates before its Creator. Then it may encounter the world of dreams or meet with souls of people who have died, but what it is in fact faced with is a page of the creators knowledge of the Unseen world containing the good and evil.

If the sleeper is truthful, generous, and pure, then when his or her soul returns to his or her it conveys to his or her heart the truth ( a truthful dream ).

If the sleeper is a untruthful and likes what is false, his soul still rises to the heaven during sleep, moves freely about the world, meets other souls and learns true information about the unseen. However while the soul is returning to the body, it meets with indeed with bad spirits in mid-air and they mix the true with the false. Then when he or she wakes up, the person is confused about what the creator has let him or her see and consequently does not understand it ( a confused dream)

In sleep, the soul can also move freely about the world and meet with souls of people who are still alive and gain knowledge from them. Some of what it learns is true and some false. The false part is the normal dream or the chatter of the soul. In the sleeping state, the soul does not completely leave the body as it does in the case of death, but remains inside the body not leaving it to move freely through the heavens. We can liken it to a ray or thread whose end remains connected to the body

1 Comment
  1. Ditto 16 years ago

    This is very interesting Lava. Thank you for sharing.

    It scares me though to think that I might not be a truthful person because of the way my dreams are percieved.

    Thank you for sharing though, lava lamp..

    0 kudos

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