Recently I have been in this really rough patch with my parents, and I’m beginning to notice that one of their favorite punishments is for me to have my phone taken. I constantly ask myself why that is.

There are times when I think it is beneficial for me: like when I’m doing my school work and I find myself really distracted by things happening on my phone. But other times, like recently, I’ve kept my phone away from me to try to focus more on school stuff, and even when I’m not on it nor is it anywhere near me, it still is threatened if I don’t fall in line. It’s quite ridiculous.

It’s the constant threataning that has led me to giving up when listening to them.


  1. aquazium 4 years ago

    Me, too. My parents take away my electronics all the time when I’m being mean or I’m late to something, pretty much anything. It sucks because then I can’t even talk to friends if I’m having a bad day, or do other things on it that I want to. It’s like they don’t even trust me to be responsible with it even when I am. It’s pretty frustrating, and I get that.

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  2. lauren7337 4 years ago

    I came forward to my parents about something terrible that happened to me as a kid and they don’t believe me so we got into this big argument. Now, I’m not talking to my parents but they keep threatening to cancel my phone and my car insurance. Luckily, I have an amazing fiancé that is helping me get set up with insurance and his father is giving me a paid off phone. When you get to that point in your life when you can move out and be on your own phone plan, you will feel absolutely free. Just keep that in mind when you are going through this hard time. That things will get better and you’ll be able to move out and have your own rules.

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  3. Author
    ll-lauren-ll 4 years ago

    It’s beyond comforting to know that other people know how I feel. Feeling like my devices and freedom are being held on a string in front of me makes me feel trapped. I have never been more excited to go to college and live my own life. It’s actually one of the reasons I’m trying to get 100% scholarship so I can just leave and don’t feel like I owe them anything. I agree with you both though; once I am fully independent of them I’ll be able to regulate things myself.

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