I went out again, this time as Iris with some new friends I met on Friday.  We are all “friends in common” aka, friends of a friend, you know what I mean..  Well, We went out to the park, wandered around in shops, got ice cream! .. I was so happy I was skipping along with two of the younger girls, Amy and Andrea who are eight and ten!..
Skipping and grinning like fools, not caring at all who thought we were weird… okay, some people did raise their hands to wave back to the girls, They were waving to everyone, sharing their infectious giggles…
We all watched the most beautiful sunset from the top of the closest hills we could reach… And then headed to a neighborhood barbecue for dinner, Yum! Desert was ice cream and smores with marshmallows roasted on outdoor fires.  We all had fun listening to some local live musicians.
We left when the girls started falling asleep…I carried Amy piggy back all the way to her mom’s house… I think she may have drooled on my collar, how else did it get wet?
Winding down with a cup of tea on the screened in porch, the entire weekend has felt like a mini vacation.  So many nice people out there, lots of hugs to share. 🙂 And good memories to share…. Bob got a bow, he wore it for most of the day until it got wet swimming in a creek. ?
Sending all of you some silly grins, a hug and prayers – Iris




  1. linktothepast 12 months ago

    Sounds like such an amazing day! The happiness was just beaming through your words, and not just the colours.

    There will always be assholes out there in the world, but there are those that will also let people live their lives at they see fit.

    I am reading this in the lunchroom, so I managed to stifle the tears, but I’m still so ecstatic to have read it!


    1 kudos
    • Author
      iris-dar 12 months ago

      Hey Emilie, I am happy to share and spread some joy! Hearing of your smile brings mine back. ::-) It was such an awesome day!! It feels like it has been ages since I have been able to let go so completely from the crap that is my past…
      Such a relief, and a welcome break from the constant stress and worry that seems to have become my “normal”.
      Q – How is it that we as humans, give in to the temptation to accept some new combination of circumstances as beyond our control? I would like to decide when my emotions hit me, which is strongest, which deserves attention and which to just let go of…
      But when I am tired or “feel out of sorts” I can’t keep rational control over what hits me or when it hits……. so it is days like this day that I like to store in the archive of my brain, so that when I need a lift to a down day, I have memories to summon. 🙂
      Sending all of you out there some of my overflowing happiness, Ciao – Iris

      0 kudos
  2. gradientsoul 12 months ago

    This made me smile big time! I’m so happy for you, Iris! I’m ecstatic about how well things have been going for you lately and that you’re getting to socialize so much more now. You’re connecting with your old friends more and making new ones. It’s all wonderful news! 😀 Things have certainly been looking up and I have to say “Congrats and kudos!”
    Sorry for not being on, or socializing, much lately. Things have been busy on my end and my online time is still unfortunately quite limited as you know… I definitely haven’t forgotten about you though, my friend!

    1 kudos

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