So the Wheel of the Year turns again. But I read recently that the Wheel keeps turning on and on, it doesn’t stop at each Sabbat, it keeps going through the Sabbats and Esbats. Something to keep in mind. We will be celebrating Samhain a couple days early, on the Full Moon. So it will be a combination Sabbat and Esbat. It will be this Friday and Saturday. I’m going to make a Waldorf salad and caramelized apples. For our ancestor altar we’ll put out a little yogurt for my Mom and a shot of whiskey for my dad. I want to put something out for Bobby but that might make my husband uncomfortable. Bobby is my ex-fiancé who passed away this last March. We were still friends. I might just save that for a private Samhain celebration on the day of Samhain itself, which is a Tuesday.

Samhain is the Wiccan New Year, and also the day when the veil between this world and the Otherworld is thinnest. It corresponds to el Dia de los Muertos, which my husband’s family celebrates. Our ancestors and dearly departed come to us again. I call upon the spirits of my parents, my Uncle Joey, Aunt Celia, Uncle Mike, Uncle Paul, my grandparents, Bobby, Sugarbaby, Nikki and Patti. I believe the animals come too. It’ll be quite a party. I think I’ll leave our porch light on that night, to light their way to us.

Aside from all that, I am feeling quite depressed today. I cast an Inner Peace spell, and I do feel the effects of it, but the depression is knocking at my door, despite feeling the Peace of the Lord. I think I should burn some rose incense to drive away the sadness and insecurity that I’m feeling. I think I’m depressed because of what I can no longer do, like work at a job, drive a car, take BART by myself, walk the two miles to downtown (used to do it every day), walk to the Marina Park without anxiety, take Carla on walks by myself… I can’t do anything, my agoraphobia is so bad. I used to drive to the Lake Chabot Marina early in the foggy mornings and walk the trail. Can’t anymore.

I need to focus on what I can do… I can cook and clean, do laundry, walk to the stores down the street, I can still type, write, read and sing, do yoga, run around the block. take the bus to the pharmacy. That’s about all I can think of right now. I can still hike, provided my husband drives and hikes with me.

So this week I’m determined to stop focusing on myself so much and to think of my loved ones who have passed. I hope they will join us. Blessed Be and Amen.

1 Comment
  1. iris-dar 7 months ago

    Hello Antheia, You sound like you are well grounded, confident in your beliefs, and are living with people (and animals) that care for and love you. I admire your tenacity.
    I am so sorry to hear that you are depressed, welcome to the Tribe, I have been battling with depression for years, it is been a constant and unwelcomed burden I continue to carry…. I know it started when my mother passed away when I was twelve. I am not looking for sympathy, just offering understanding. 🙂
    Perhaps instead of focusing on what you can no longer do, maybe you can shift your focus towards things you CAN do! These are the times when I can completely forget myself and my own struggles. But they seem few and far between…
    I seem to most easily reach this state when all of my focus is on helping the person I am with, or meditating while performing familiar chores, like miking one of our cows manually, soothing an animal who is panicking and working with the animals on our small family Farm & Orchard.
    I have been inspired by my father, who does a lot of volunteering, So I have been volunteering as a tutor myself as well. It is during these times, when I am working with students (all grades and nearly all subjects) that I am able to forget myself. I imagine that you have many similar experiences. yes?
    I feel blessed when I sense their learning and understanding and can see the smiles growing on their faces. 🙂 This is when I feel the glow of optimism grow inside of me. When I forget my own pain. It is during these times, when I reach outside of myself, that I start to become more aware of the magic that is life all around me.
    I am happy to hear that you still have activities you can do, and a loving family. For me here, it is just me and dad. It feels so good to be moving and working outside! My internal struggles are a part of me that I am constantly aware of. I am accustomed to bearing them, but look forward to laying them down.
    I am a total newbie at understanding Wicca, Mom was semi-practicing, she was lucky to grow up in an area where Wicca was more common. I have so little first hand knowledge, just simple ceremonies. One of Mom’s earliest lessons for me seems simple, but it is also profound in so many ways: What you believe to be true becomes true to you.
    Sending blessings to you – Iris

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