I think I would help to type this out. Β I might delete it in a few hours.

Ready set…


1. Β The stress of Β having to get the major home item either repaired or replaced Β  The repair person we know was busy so my husband tried another company and he was dishonest and ripped us off Β  The central air unit is still broken

2. Β The attempt / hint from husbands mom yesterday when he was on the phone with her for her to move in with us. Β Of course he didn’t offer, but she is so toxic and always has been. Β It upsets me because she had some nerve to even hint this after how she opted to treat me and the children. Β  Plus, how bad of a mother that she was to my husband.

3. Β  Company is coming next weekend and our plans of what we wanted to have done outside just can’t be done sue to the extreme heat and my husband’s Β  shoulder injuries. Β  The inside of the house is clean and pleasant

4. Β I can’t figure out what to do with the assumption that people make that all adults drink coffee Β and tea. Β People in person seem Β to be triggeed and get defensive when i say I don’t drink tea or coffee. Β As if I am insulting them… it puzzles me. Β I guess it is socially unacceptable not to like coffee or tea.

5. I learned some interesting information that was inspiring at first but it triggered some unpleasant memories.

Thanks for letting me type this out.

I took a picture of a frog



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