I lost my dad 8 years ago suddenly.He was the first of my family of four to go. They say you never get over the lossof a parent

I don’t know how to express my grief , it’s there , the tears flow but there is still something unreal about it, he was a sweet dad, he loved us, he held my finger when I was little, played with me , hugged me , loved me, and was there for me, I didn’t just lose my dad , I lost a part of me that I don’t know how to recover, the child in me, the sweetness in me , my innocence. With him gone I think some of the goodness in the world is gone, the world I lived in before and after him is different, this world is harsh , unfriendly, cruel , does not care about sanctity of a life, it’s plastic with people who feign kindness , friendship, goodness all the while hating you from their heart.Its a world I don’t much care about.

1 Comment
  1. annablue21 1 week ago

    Sending you love and support. I can’t imagine what it feels like but I am here if you need to vent or bounce thoughts off of

    0 kudos

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