Its hard to pretend that your stories matter after that. They just melt like ice cubes, dissolve into nothingness.


What a place to die! What the hell am I doing here?


The pitter-patter of the keys, haphazard, flickering, asymmetrical.bursts of fire, one.twothree.threethreeonethreethreethree

The sweet stench of sulfur, acrid, burns into my nostrils (oh so marvelous) and between exquisitely exacting notes there is silence, naked. Repetition, repetition, oh symmetry please! Blink.., wait..blinkno wait, hell,blink.. stop stop stop. Stop blinking. Stop flinching. Stop beating so damn fast. Anticipate, anticipate..onetwo.threethree.three. I cant see properly. I think I shot through the top of a rock in front of me. The shards are in my face.searingstoponeonethreethree120 mm…thirty-five.. Out change.barrel is fucking melting. change it..blink.blink.120mm.change it burning my armchange the120mmchange the drum….gogo

pitter patter, pitter patteronetwothree. I can anticipate the rhythm of the keys.


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