I just CAN NOT take it anymore! Its to much for me! I have so much to do in one day that its impossible to do it. I have to watch my little brother…normally i didnt but for the past 8 months i had to watch him from the moment i got up until 4pm well now i have t watch him from the moment i get up until 8pm. Its horrible because he is five and so I have to teach him how to read and write! my mom offers to take ehim to daycare but everywhere is to expensive therefore i am stuck watching him.

I love him to death but in september i had just switched from public school to online school so its a harder curriculum and I have to manage my time and everything becasue they dont mind if it takes you 2 years to finish a grade thats your pace they just want you to sign in monday thru friday and turn in at least one assignment in each class each week. So its all up to me and i try to stay ahead but its nearly impossible to even keep up. So i just switched to a harder school and now i have to be a mom too! for the first 2 months my mawmaw would watch him but now she has a boyfriend and moved 2 hrs away.

So between schooling my lil bro working out, cooking, taking care of him, learning to drive, getting ready for my trip to europe as an ambassador, cleaning the house, and taking care of myself I've got a lot to do and I can't even start school now until 7 pm when my step dad gets home so someone else can watch my bro! Its exhausting and I've tried going without sleep for 3 days at a time, which helps me get everything done plus stuff i want to do as a teenager its great not sleeping except for the act it makes my depression worse. So it sucks and i dont forsee it getting anybetter until my lil bro goes to school next year….which cant come soon enough until then im burdened like this just like i have been for the past 8 months i just hope i can stand it that long.


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