I don’t normally write blogs, but i thought that i would write about my work’s dinner dance on Saturday.


It was held at the Hilton in Brighton and i invited a really good friend who i haven’t seen for years.  He said that he would pick me and up drop me off, which was really nice of him,bu i wouldn’t have agreed if i’d realise how far he went out of his way.  I couldn’t believe it, though it was really sweet of him.


When we got there, we met up with a couple in their room and had a drink, then we went back to our room to get ready.  It didn’t take me as long as it normally would have, as we were running late and i had a bit of a nightmare with my hair (i couldn’t get it straight, but it looked ok in the end).


Everyone gathered for champagne and then we all sat down for dinner.  The food was really nice, though i didn’t each much, but that wasn’t anything to do with the food.


After the food, there was a band playing and a small casino.  We didn’t play but it was fun watching.  After that, there was a disco, which i prefered (especially the dance music – i’m not really a cheesey music person :))


Once the party was over (approx 1am), some of us went to the bar and chatted for a couple of hours and then we went to our room and crashed out.


We all had a realy good night and lots to chat about at work today.


There was only one accident (1 girl fell down the steps and broke her ankle in 3 places – ouch – she needs surgery but will be ok) and one girl fell off the stage (she was ok though).


I don’ t think there is much more to say apart from a good time was had by all (maybe except for the girl who broke her ankle).


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