
I've been suffering with depression since I got married 4 months ago. I don't feel like I have made a mistake because I love my Husband deeply but I just can't get over this feeling.

Every weekend I wake up and feel so sad, I can't stop crying and telling my Husband I am worthless and he would be better off without me. I feel like the world would be better off or would hardly notice if I wasn't here.

I am too scared at the moment to go and speak to my doctor about it. I have been on anti depressants before (Seroxat) and could really do without the feelings they gave me on top of the depression.

I also suffer with anxiety and (I believe) some form of Social Anxiety. My Husband has a large family and I find it really hard to be around them all. I'm very shy and cannot make conversation easily. Every day we are due to see them I wake up even worse and get myself worked up in to a huge state. Such a state that by the time I do go and see them I have a migraine or I'm so tired and worn out from crying.

I'm scared that I'm ruining my relationship with my Husband because of the depression. I seem to be picking at everything he does and we are arguing more than we have ever done. I know he loves me and wouldn't leave and will support me all the way, he has tried really hard to cheer me up but nothing works.

I would really love to hear from anyone who has any suggestions or comments or anyone who is going through a similar thing after getting married. I have heard there is something that you can suffer from called Post Nuptial depression but I'm not sure if this is right.

Thanks x


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