To be yourself in a world that is doing its best day and night to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle, and to never stop fighting.


This goes out to all the people who have ever done something out of the norm just to try to be something they’re not, to the people who messed a lot of things up because the right people didn’t seem to bother or offer the help needed, to the ones who hurt themselves because the world was harsh enough for no good reason, to the ones who have had bad things happen to them and couldn’t talk about it, and finally, to Vincent– someone I fell in love with– for showing how much he loved passionately and for never trying to be anyone else other than himself.

I’ve met a lot of different people ever since I was kid: there were the lonely people who had it hard to make friends, the people who had most of their conversations about guys, the people who had wild thoughts, the artistic people who knew how to paint or draw or sing or play instruments, the people who always had the sense of urge to fight over anything or to cause a commotion, the people who loved to write, the people who were firm believers in their faith, the atheists, the nihilists, the philosophers, the messy and the complicated, the ones who wanted to make a difference, the people who judge you however you are, the most disturbing ones who want you for your body, and lastly there’s me.

I’m not exactly sure where to fit myself but I’m pretty messed up just like most of us out there. I have done things I shall regret for the rest of my days and I couldn’t tell anyone about it. I still am, actually, but everyone’s so far away all of a sudden and I’m on my own and I have no idea what I’m about to do next. I went online and tried to search for support groups that might help me because I desperately need the support, but I couldn’t find a proper one. And here I am, in this community, writing to whoever is out there, whoever is going through the same, I shall not tell you “you’re not alone” or whatsoever, but I know for sure that I am here for you, and I’m listening.

The universe does not have to beat you up badly making you trip all over and do bad things, you can do this, and you’ll get there when you get there, with the right people in the right place, you’ll lift yourself up and feel yourself change for the better. 


P.S. I would gladly be of any help to anyone if he or she needs a talk; thank you for reading.

We can help each other out.


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