This time least year I was dating my first girlfriend, I was happy. Then around Thanksgiving my mom found out about it and forced me to come out to both her and my dad, when I wasn’t even close to telling them yet. As soon as she found out she started taking me to religious people for them to pray to “break my ungodly soul ties.” She also started making me go to therapy.

My girlfriend broke up with me in very early December, I was crushed. I felt like she was the only one who even remotely understood what I was going through and was the only person left who loved me. I started to fall into a depression, I felt so worthless and unloved that I started cutting myself. I finally reached out to someone I had been friends with but felt like she didn’t care about me either and told her what I was going through over text. She immediately called me and I was shocked to hear her crying. She said that she understood what I was going through and that even though I felt unloved and unwanted, I was wanted, and I was loved. It may have not been by my parents, but my friends did care about me. I asked her to stay over the next night and she did, she really helped me start coming out of my depression.

Around January I started hanging out with a guy in one of my classes. He was always happy and making jokes and (for lack of a better term) I sort of fed of his energy. I started being more happy and I stopped cutting myself. By this point, my parents were trying to force me to go to a private school. They say it’s not because of the fact that I’m bisexual but I seriously doubt it. Anyway, I told the guy I had a crush on him in about February and he said he “might” like me too, so in my mind he’s saying “I dunno if I like you yet!” So I just distanced myself a bit. A few days later he asked me out (in front of my ex who I was now okay with) and I said yes.

He’s a really supportive boyfriend and he defends me when people talk about me. Even though we go to different schools now, we try to call each other everyday. He’s so sweet and even though he is a bit ignorant to LGBTQ+ issues, he sticks up for me from homophobic people.

I am now going to a private school but the joke is on my parents, my school has an LGBT+ Allies Club.

Hope this helped some of you guys out, love you guys.



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