I can tell the meds are starting to work. The suicidal thought are much less frequent and have no power. They are just thoughts, not urges. I am having a tough time telling if I am happy with this dose or if I want to try for an increase. The doc will call soon to ask me that. I keep hoping to somehow know one of these days lol. So far no bolts of insight though.

My husband and I seem to have worked through the worst of our issues. Thank goodness. We have invested too much in eachother, our lives together and this marriage to lose it all now.

My face is sooooo swollen. Soooooo swollen. I keep icing it and using ibuprofen but its still awful. People give me funny looks lol. I look like I got hit by a truck nose first. Feels about the same too lol.

Tonight, the lady that I am staying with….her husband comes home from the hospital (back surgery). My kids, me and her 15 year old son cleaned up her house today. Picked up, vacuumed, scrubbed bathrooms and floors, counters, garbages emptied. I didnt want her to have to worry about cleaning for a while. I also made some lasagna and put it in there freezer for later. So she can thaw it, bake it and have a hassel free home cooked meal.

I cant go back to Colorado until after Monday. My oral surgeon wants a follow up appointment on Monday. The kids old homesschool group has a class Tuesday so they want us to stay one more day. Maybe we will get to go home Wednesday then. I am homesick and so very ready to go.

My youngest has her 6th birthday tomorrow and she is so excited. We are going to have her party here at these people's house. My husband is coming up for the weekend too. It should be a fun party. We are getting her some Tinkerbell wall stickers for her new room and a couple CD's since she got a CD player for Christmas.

Thanks for listening. I just really felt like writing a blog today. I got a full 9 hours of sleep last night (first time in months!!!) so I feel very very good and rested. YES! 🙂


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