This is for spiritual people or anyone who doesn’t mind reading about the greatness of God

I am currently going through waves of depression and learning to deal with my anxiety. On Sunday my boyfriend convinced me to go to 8AM service and the sermon was exactly what I needed to hear. That morning while I was in the shower thinking to myself that I might just be this upset, mean, anxious individual who is now anti – social. I was starting to believe that being anxious and depressed was now the "new me"

However when I heard the sermon talk about not giving up and yes we as Christians go through hard times because it is a part of life and God will use it to his glory I gained hope! Just enough to put a smile on my face

I am starting to understand that this is not God's will to see me in this state of depression, anxiousness, untrusting and faithless. I do not know why I am in this situation and I may never know but I am learning more and more about myself and I realized I still have purpose even in this crisis.

My mission now is to rebuild my faith in God and others, regain my hope and truly believe that I am love because of the person that I am (self esteem). I know that healing part is going to be a hard process but I believe I can do it and in my journey I pray I can help someone else.


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