At this moment I am anxious for the right reasons: I am going to list daily different steps I am taking in my pursuit to minimize my depression and transform my anxiety (see if it can work for you)

· Keep your spiritual tank full!

I believe that going through depression there are good days and bad days but the things that gets your through your bad days in your fighting spirit not to give up. But if your spirit tank is on empty there is nothing to tap into. Suggestion that work for me

1. Go to church every Sunday without fail (this is a great way to remember how much God loves you, a weekly pick me up)

2. Go to bible study or sing in the choir or listen to gospel music (praise Him in your hurt during the week)

3. Do 5 min daily devotion every morning (I am currently using The Women’s Devotional guide to the Bible and it is great)

4. Get down on your knees and pray every night and submit it all to him (even if you are tired or in serious emotion pain. At times you may not even say anything, but the action is enough and he knows your heart)

1 Comment
  1. twthoma1 13 years ago

    Great thoughts Denay. I want to go to church and have been afraid to go myself – I am suffering from Socail Anxiety and maybe Agoraphobia – keep me in your prayers – maybe I will make it to church this weekend. TT

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