Or do I.

I'm at this station in my life where I don't know which express to catch. They all seem to lead me into a circle. I end up right where I started. I was going to compile a list of things I wanted. So I'll start here.

1. To stop emotional overeating and binge eating.

2. To spice up my exercise routines, well to actually had some!

3. To decide if writing is something I can really commit to.

4. To be more studious and put classes as more of a priority.

5. To stop being so hard myself.

6. To stop being afraid.

7. To figure out a solution to my money problems.

8. To stop stressing.

9. To find the positive in everything and actually believe it.

10. To move forward, preferably out of this house.

11. To slow things down and be patient.

12. To somehow start dating and form relationships with new people.

13. To do things I want, even if its by myself.


That’s my list for now. 


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