Hello, I’m new to this site I have been anxious my entire life but it is been in the last 5 years that has become crippling and hindering my ability to live a normal life. Everything started when I was 18 my dad left and my mom was diagnosed with cancer along with other mental health​ issue accompanying this she also was going through a divorce at the time.

I was the only one home with her scared and scrambling for guidance I then started a very dependent relationship with a man who became very abusive and just recently,as of one year ago got I out of the relationship and have been left with the residual anxiety from it that has carried on into my new relationship and it is affecting the way that it functions. I have always had a hard time working with little support or guidance I have only had a few jobs that have never lasted an entire year.

I have never been able to drive because I’ve never had anyone to teach me and now after just barely passing my driver’s test  by a hair my now anxiety causes me to have panic attacks on the road leaving me disoriented and unable to drive safely and get to my tattoo apprenticeship that means the world to me and saved my life.

I’m looking for advice with people who have driving anxiety problems and how to overcome it because I cannot live a functional life without being able to get anywhere.

Also I have extreme social anxiety which is making my apprenticeship extremely difficult because I don’t know what to do when I start having a panic attack I wake up every morning a heart racing and go to bed every night with my heart racing I’m always thinking ahead to the Future and worrying about the worst case scenario of everything when I wake up in the morning I’m confused and scared *note* I have been on Klonopin and Wellbutrin for almost 2 years. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this blog! -Shewolf

1 Comment
  1. sydthecrybaby 7 years ago

    As far as driving anxiety goes, I completely relate to you. I’ve already taken a drivers ed class and had to drive a little bit which scared the living daylights out of me. I would ask my parents to take me out to practice even though I dreaded it deep down. Everytime I would get on the main roads, I would freak out and start crying and wouldn’t calm down. I’m still trying to get over my anxiety and it is hard but I believe with enough courage and optimism you will be ok. Hope you have a good one! <3

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