Today was my first day back at work after my two-week suspension for alledgedly having a "bad attitude" with a co-worker..I felt like I was walking into a hornet's nest going into the building & I was braced for anything..I was cordial but not overtly friendly going in & there was an automatic tension in the place as I signed in & went to work..the people were nice but unknowing of how to approach me as I was with them as I didn't know who the "friendlys" were..
As I proceeded to start work one by one the majority of them came up to me to let me know in words if not actions they sided with me & felt as if I'd been wronged..not of course directly but with expressions like "come to me if there's a problem again" & gifts like homemade apple butter given to me by one of the ladies there..the perpetrator of the complaint *a sixty-ish male ex-con* tried being overly-friendly with me to which I listened and responded with simple one-word answers..and finally? the supervisor who had lodged the complaint with the director of our program here didn't say anything meaningful to me at all *not even a greeting* and acted like nothing had happened..
I worked my tail off today as I do every day that I'm there & didn't even take a lunchbreak so as to demonstrate that I was there to work & nothing more..I guess all in all the tension went down as I became knowledgable of the political tide being "with" me on this one..I work again tomorrow & will see if more of the same follows..
This has taken a real hit on my mood & demeanor the last two weeks & I think it's going to take me awhile to come back to being the person I was before all this..I'm just in a firm defensive posture now & untrusting of people in authority if not in general..and of course my OCD has flared up in result of all this..I guess slow & steady wins races & I'll just have to take this at my own pace..I just felt like this wasn't handled the right way & my side of things should've been viewed before any action was taken..oh well I guess these are the lessons of the real world so if I want to be self-reliant again I'm going to have to re-learn to roll & ebb with the system no matter how unjust it can be sometimes..
I know it is hard to put something so upsetting behind you and move on, but I hope you can. It only hurts you when you can't let it go. I'm glad you didn't feel all alone and left out at work. Time takes care of a lot of things. I'm sure you'll deal with it just fine.