so, since I can't sleep i've been writing some letters (I finished 10, might write some more. but i'm worried even my letters annoy people.) (


(the letters even have Harry Potter stamps. I love those stamps, I have tons. haha)


I even wrote a letter to two of the three friends I stopped talking to because the hurt and betrayed me.


in the letter, I decided to forgive and even apologize myself even though I've done nothing wrong. I don't want to lose them


but at the same time I know deep down it won't be like before, i won't trust them the same. and not with the really deep dark thing in my heart.


so…is that a friendship worth saving? one with doubt deep down? or should I just let it slowly continue to die out. until theres nothing left to save?


I don't know…it's so fucking hard to trust anyone. why do I even bother?


why do I keep having to apologize when i've done nothing wrong? i'm sick and tired of it. i'm always the one that gets blamed and hurt in the end.


what do you think I should do?


it's also official I won't be going to marie's for chirstmas eve with my family. i'll be home while they go.


I also feel guilty about that, I don't want them to think they've done anything wrong. I almost thought about writing them a letter to.


but would that make me look stupid? or do they even really care if i'm there or not?


i'm not a mind reader so i never know if someone truly means what they say or what their intentions are.


it fucking sucks.


well that's it for now. it's only 3 in the morning so i'm going to try and get some more sleep…


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