Hey Everyone,

I am having an extremely difficult time lately with my obsessions about remembering things. It is starting to affect me at home as well as my general well being.

I still have this urge that I need to know what someone has said if I don't quite catch it all. My wife is especially affected by this. She talks a lot to our toddler and I am always asking her to repeat what she said if I didn't quite hear it.

The other day I drove by a bus stop and saw a girl sitting on the bench. I knew her but I couldn't figure out how. I spent the next few days going over every singe place where I could have seen her. I even started a list. Yesterday I finally remembered and it was instant relief, for a very short period of time.

I am also having urges to remember movies. Random lines from a movie or tv show I have seen will pop up into my head and I have the need to remember the movie. Yesterday, within seconds of remembering the girl, a movie line popped into my head which has been bugging me on and off for months. I normally remember them all, but I just can't with this one. I went on the movie database and searched for the key word which is "blame me." It sounds stupid but I just think if I can remember the movie where someone says this, I will be ok.

It's not so much the obsession to remember that is affecting me, it's what happens if I don't. "If you don't remember that movie you will stab that boy on your block."

I have such a terrible headache because I literally can feel the barrage of messages circulating in my brain. When I saw my psychiatrist last, I inquired about gamma ray knife surgery. He told me I would be a candidate for it.

I just don't know where to go. I am doing erp, and it is going ok. But, I am having so much trouble with these obsessions to remember that it is starting to affect my whole life.



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