I posted some of my old writings. I write a lot and keep them in a personal journal. I also at times share them on myspace but not a lot of people get them. I thought I would share some here and will of course put new ones up often I am sure. I am rather happy that I found this site I guess because it allows me to write and know that someone is going to see it and just might understand. I am a person that is at times full of pride and never want pity or sorrow and I think I will not get that here. Maybe I will just find people who get what I mean when I write. I always try to explain to people close to me that depression is not about wanting pity, or attention and the way I best deal with it is to write.
I have been off my medication for about 7 months. Right now things are not looking promising. I have been diagnosed with several different things ranging from post traumatic disorder, personality disorder, and being Bipolar. I have had several doctors, psychiatrist, psychologist, and counselors. I liked a few but due to many different situation I am now on my own. Basically I am a train wreck waiting to happen most days. I have taken just about every antidepressant under the sun. I have taken a sickening amount of medications for so many different types of situations. None have worked thus far. Anyways this is me. I could go on for days saying everything that is messed up or that has happened to get me to this spot. For right now I just want to make it through the day without a break down. Feel free to drop me a line at any time.


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