It’s ok to leave and distance yourself from toxic people and people who make you uncomfortable it’s ok to leave them behind you shouldn’t feel bad stoping relationships with people who set you back

i reacently left my ex partner he would constantly talk about wanting to commit and things like that he knew I was recovering and that it made me upset I told him to stop bet he still did it and I left one of his friends told me it would be my fault if he hurt himself becuse I ended things with him

he comes up To me and tries to converse I often till him to go away and I have to say it multiple times

I left for my own good and my own safety

and that is ok

1 Comment
  1. brettlea94 2 years ago

    Hello there. I just wanted to say that no one is responsible for other people’s lives. The only person you need to take care of is you. Some people do not want to be helped, they might just want attention. If this person is toxic, you are better off without them. Do not let anyone tell you it is your fault for someone else’s actions. That sounds like that person needs to grow up. If this person wants attention, then let them get it somewhere else. I remember watching my mom with different men growing up. She seemed to try so hard to make it work with some people that were so bad for her. Honestly, they were bad for anyone. They were, as you put it, toxic. I read in a great book recently that sometimes you can’t stick around those people that bring you down. There are some people that we want to help, but they do not want to help themselves. This author, a clinical psychologist, argued that we need to get away from these people. It seems you have done a courageous thing! I am glad you chose to let go of something you cannot control and decided to focus on your happiness. If they continue to come up and talk to you, continue to politely deny them attention and move on. The more they persist, the more you should persist. Eventually, they should notice that you are serious about moving on with your life. As you said, it is okay. Help yourself first. Have a good day.

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