Dear Harley, Lexie and Casper,
If I had a car, I would rescue you from the little cages at the store. If I had money, I would give you the lives you deserve. I would reunite you with your mother and we'd live happy lives. If only I had those things, I would save you.
I miss you so much. I hate not knowing if you're happy, if you're together, if you're getting the exercise you were so accustomed to. Are you getting wet food once a day as a treat? Probably not. You're in a store with other strange cats.
I cry now as I write of you and think of you. No one else understands my pain and anguish, how much I love you and how much I wish I could rescue you. I often think of breaking into the pet store and rescuing you at night. So you could have free run of the basement and see your mama.
I don't believe I'm being selfish. After all we took care of you for three months. We kept you healthy and we kept you happy. I feel as if you've been ripped from my heart and my grasp.
You were like my children. I fed you, took care of you, kept your environment clean. But I have nothing to show for the three months that you brought happiness to my life. I was there on March 29th when you entered the world and I was there July 9th when you were ripped from my heart.
Casper, I'll always remember you as the white kitten. I will remember how I came down to the basement and saw you with your mother after you came into this world. I'll remember you as the brave kitten, the first one to explore the upstairs. I love you angel.
Lexie, my little shy girl. You loved playing with your brothers and mama. I remember when you causiously explored upstairs with your brothers. You were determined to explore the unusual environment that was the upstairs. You may have been shy, but you were used to me. I love you baby and I hope you grow up with at least one of your brothers by your side.
Harley, my little buddy. You were always there when I was making my bed or reading at night. You loved attacking my hands but I was quick. You were the first to purr for me and the most frequent purrer. I would have loved to have kept you–all of you if that was an option.
I can only hope that you all find wonderful homes and live long, sheltered, good lives.
All my love angels,


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