Aye yes here I am…running…now waiting…Jobs…drug tests…fingerprints…conditonal…provisional…temporary…permanant part time…duty free…HHA PCA CNA NRA WTF?  HAHA I am having fun with this today.  I am certain that I sleep better knowing that many of the laws here are to protect me…protect others and to protect the american dream….Wait the what? the  American DREAM…I like to think of it as the Sober dream at least for me, and it doesnt have to be a dream anymore…I know that recovery is an amazing thing and I get to experience that everyday I get out of bed, and at one time that was a miracle in its self.  I am seeing that when you live in the day, it is about quality not quantity…Counting the days has gone by the way side…living each day has become the focus.  For sometime I have been looking at some of my old behaviors…just wondering if they have evolved into something just a little differentlike a virus that has mutated and is still just as vile and disruptive if not even more deadly and resistant against anything out there… yes a pirate virus…LOL ok I was getting to serious for a moment…Life is good…things are rolling along…in about 5 weeks my things should financially settle down a little…I will be done with one of my 4 classes, leaving only 3 for the remainder of the semester.  I should have an established client load by then with Oswego Hospital, and Arise should also fill in the rest of that gap.  The whole transportation issue shall be over and done with! For now it has not been an issuse but as I get busier it will be.    My brother is flying me down to VA in October for a few days…GOing to see AC/DC while I am down there, and spend some wonderful time with his family whom I have missed for quite a while…I should get a move on…I have erands to do then I am heading to Cayuga for hopefully the LAST time this week!!!!!!!!!!


Lots of love to all of you….ODAAT Mike


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