Have made an important connection–can\'t remember just when it came to me, but here it is: anxiety is swallowed anger. I know I had heard this before, but somehow, this time it struck me like a bolt! Being a lifelong people pleaser and Co-dependent, I had probably swallowed buckets of anger. Looking back now I can see how I have always had some type of anxiety symptom affecting me. It was not until about 5 years ago when I experienced the slow death of my father from Alzheimer\'s, the ending of my marriage, and the sad discovery of the addiction issues of my sons that I began to have panic attacks along with the anxiety. At the time I still did not have the knowledge about anxiety and panic…I thought I was losing my mind. I was angry about so many things…and very sad. I just did not realize I was angry. That anger got swallowed and when the banks overloaded, I was flooded with symptoms. I also found out that I had a thyroid problem, as well as a serious hormome imbalance. My family doctor called me a ball of yarn full of knots! Slowly my physical health was restored, and I entered therapy. It has been a very long road, but I am making great strides. I have acquired many tools to help me with panic and anxiety. I recognize the anger connection and have learned how to process the anger rather than store it. Through a 12 step program for the families of addicts, I have learned about boundaries and detachment with love. I have re-married to a wonderful man, and I am happy.I have also been introduced to some Buddhist teachings about acceptance. I have learned not to fight against panic and anxiety–not to hate it and set it up as an enemy. That has helped a lot. I use aromatherapy, meditation, and deep belly breathing also. I am feeling much more confident, and relaxed as well.I am very grateful for all the help that has appeared along my way on this journey. I pray that others who are challenged with anxiety and panic will find the help they need.

1 Comment
  1. Victorianne 13 years ago

    Oskittles: there are so many other complimentary modalities out there. I have used CD\'s, books, journaling, and I am an artist–so creating has helped a lot too. Keep searching and researching! Idsbooboo: I am mostly off meds. I do use Xanax in a very small amount when I cannot seen to get under control using other measures, or if I am heading into a full blown panic attack. I have gone the antidepressant route, but nothing worked for me–too many side affects. Identifying the cause for my anxiety has helped so much, and that came through lots of therapy. I also journal every day. The one thing I need to do more of is physical activity….I tend to cocoon when I am having anxiety and panic. I also get depressed and that makes me feel sluggish and fatigued. Because of the addiction issues of my sons, I have a real fear about medication–I am all for it when it is needed and is taken correctly–I just have a fear about becoming addicted, and benzos like Xanax are risky. All my best to both of you, and thanks for your comments, encouragement, and questions. We can get through this!

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