As a female who has been married for a long time, I have observations of what a long time married man to woman can do to have the “happy wife and happy life.”

-appreciate and compliment her 

-do not take her for granted 

-once a week try to find a way have some sort of a date.   It could be a picnic in the backyard or go to a thrift store to shop (whatever is in the budget and shows you care.) 

-when you say see you later everyday pretend you will never see her again and be extra sweet

-try to make her life easier in both big and little ways everyday (for example; pick up your dirty laundry from the floor and put it in the hamper, put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher verses in the sink, take out the kitchen garbage just because you see it needs done  etc.) 

-surprise her with random kind acts (like making the bed up or even washing the bedding verses assuming she will do it)

-consider walking around your home and look for surfaces that might need dusting and actually dust! 

– the toilet (it only takes a minute to spray the surfaces of it and pour some bleach into the bowl) another minute to wipe down the toilet surfaces   

Basically, the household takes work to maintain and two people working together makes it all so much easier! Either step it up and do as much as you can work your work schedule or help when you can

-Stand up for your wife if your family is rude or mean to her! It isn’t okay to act like you don’t notice so therefore it isn’t happening   




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