Just remember that your beautiful and don’t let no one every tell you your not because they aren’t you. Why should you care what people think I just ignore them because they are just hating on the way that I look. Instead if hating look in the mirror at yourself and tell yourself that your beautiful each and every day.
What are thoughts?
neverafailure, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Relationships, 0
I don't understand. It feels as though my family always wants to bring me down. I know they don't...
I was daddys shineing perl!
michaelaemomoe, , Depression, 1
i was mommys little nighmere i was always daddys excuse why doent he love me? why doent she care? slowly there killing...
Confusion, , Depression, Career, Depression, Medication, Relationships, Therapy, 2
Is anyone out there scared of the concept of "forever"? I did not think twice about "forever" when I...
My waning grip on life
TessErin, , Depression, Career, Depression, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 0
9/2/15After somehow losing a completely finished blog entry—that would have been under this title—I will try again.I know among...
Depression sucks:/
THe...gIrL...WiTh...nO...nAmE..., , Depression, 3
Nobody knows the real me, nobody knows how many times i’ve cried in my room when nobody was watching....
I need more support and less yelling.
Ghostgirl, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, Child, Medication, 0
Last night was bad enough that I'm still feeling rather sensitive today. I'm already upset over my classes, absolutely...
2/25/14 update
Delcorin, , Depression, Career, Child, Depression, Grief, Relationships, 0
It's been a while, but nothing new to report really. We still aren't really talking but she was at...
Are we worth it
beaanntoinette819, , Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, LGBT, Addiction, Grief, Suicide, 0
There’s a time in our lives when we don’t feel worth keeping our heads up. We drown our sorrows...