I forgot where i heard these words when i was a little child – “Everyone you encounter every day is working so hard just to live. It takes tremendous courage to walk, fall and continue walking your path. To live is a brave act by itself.”

Struggling with mental health challenges since childhood myself, i’ve witnessed many others suffering. And i never learned to appreciate certain words like…”you’re strong, you can get over this.” I feel mental health challenges have gained much spotlight in recent years, but it seems that…people still give such advice to their struggling friends casually. Later i realized some are just too hesitant to listen to others’ problems, fearing of taking on others’ so-called “negativity”; others simply don’t know what to say and how to respond.

Nobody is stronger than anybody. I consider all my struggling friends extremely strong, iron-willed souls. Do you know how much courage it takes just to get out of the bed every morning when you’re struggling? Do you know how much courage it takes just to squeeze an encouraging word out of your mouth…like…”i’ll try again today”, when you’re struggling?

My own challenges give me debilitating and excruciating body aches that last for hours, sometimes days/weeks. Starting as a child, I can’t talk or cry during the pain. I don’t know why my brain just shuts down when i need help the most…(I used to say to my friend that i was so jealous of her being able to cry when she felt down.) I often sit alone and just feel it, trying my utmost best to believe even the pain is a tender reminder of me being a human being and alive (which doesn’t always work though…but i try…).

I never thought about becoming strong…but I REALLY REALLY want to be a tender person so that I have the strength and courage to walk up to someone struggling and ask, “may i sit with you for a minute? let me know if you’d like a hug~ though i’m kind of broken myself haha~”


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