A problem Ive had come to surface in the past year is that I get extremely overwhelmed in movie theaters, especially during scary trailers and previews. My boyfriend and I go see a movie every weekend, and Im a huge movie buff, but I find that seeing a movie in a theater has become quite a stressful experience for me. Ive always gotten anxiety from certain movies I guess, especially movies about the end of the world or about comets and natural disasters in general. So, you can imagine my panic and anxiety when I forced myself to watch the trailer for the upcoming movie 2012, about all the Mayan prophecy stuff. Now I cant calm down about it, I cant stop worrying about it. Ive never been able to handle stuff like that, and I feel like an idiot when I try to tell people that stuff like that makes me anxious. I just dont understand how people can go about their lives, and enjoy their lives everyday and laugh and enjoy each other and have fun, when all it takes is a movie TRAILER like 2012 to ruin several weeks for me until I forget about it, then see the trailer again or hear someone talking about it, and it starts all over. I used to go to a private Christian school and everyday we were told in class that the world was ending, the end was near etc etc. To this day I dont understand why we were even in school and planning for college if that was the case. I probably overanalyze and think about stuff like that way too much, but Ive had stuff like ths driled into my head since I was a child and its done a lot of damage. I just want to calm down and relax and enjoy my life, but no, because Im worried about tidal waves and earthquakes and hurricanes and the end of the world.

  1. apehangmom 15 years ago

    you poor girl.. I feel the same way .. the same movie and the same panic. Just tell the friends you cant do it.. the movie expirence is supposed to captivate you and put you there… and it is but at your OCD or snxiety expense. .. do not go see the movie. its a free world .. start turning movie night into a home food night .. some thing that is differnt… change it mold it.. seemovies that make you happy , not ones that you feel left out of seeing if your sayin no  to the group. …  just say no .. and friends with understand. Yeah I felt like crap too.. but it is a movie… rember that it has not come to pass.

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  2. OddGabbie 15 years ago

    Its so frustrating. I want to be able to watch TV and feel normal, because I guess I feel like everyone around me never gets scared, or they hide it so well or something. Im so jealous of people who enjoy life because everyday is such a gigantic struggle wth anxiety. Some days are better than others I know, but it makes me feel kind of pathetic I guess to have to talk myself into just being able to watch certain movies. I will NOT be seeing that movie though. Maybe all those people I see enjoying life are the kinds of people who do get scared and worry about things, but they choose not to let it run their lives because they have better things to do. I want to be like that. Thank you so much for replying, it always helps to have support.

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  3. Taco_Belle 15 years ago

    It's a scary thing, especially for those of us who like to analyze and overthink everything carefully before jumping to the worst possible conclusion. I've heard of people that are terrified of kittens. I have a friend that gets intense anxiety around balloons, because they might pop. One of my specific fears is that the sun is going to go supernova. Any second. And when it does, it's going to suck all of the oxygen out of the air in a nanosecond and leave us all gasping like fish. I think that one has so much power over me because I've spent bits and peices of the past few years gasping through massive asthma attacks that just LOVE to play footsie with my anxiety.

    Movie theaters? Forget about it. It's been over 5 years since I've been in one because of anxiety issues. You say you feel pathetic. You shouldn't. You KEEP GOING BACK. I know it's probably been flung from one end of this site to another, but I haven't seen it, so here it is. To paraphrase, courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to continue in spite of it. Are you afraid? Sure. But you keep going back, in spite of what *might* happen. Give yourself a little credit, because I think that's kinda ballsy.

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  4. nelson 15 years ago

    I think the best way we can enjoy life and be happy with ourself is to stop thinking about tomorrow and focus on our today because all those jargons been preached and prophesy are just falsehood prophesy that makes a living hell out of some of us.

     The best place to be is to live life to the fullest and remember that somebody gave birth to you and the person that gave birth to you someone else gave birth to them so it is a line of generation and this is our time to do our own part and dont let anybody spoil it for you.

     Be happy and charming

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  5. OddGabbie 15 years ago

    Thanks everyone so much for replying to me, you dont know how much it has made my morning and my day so much better. I havent given up on God, and I know He hasnt given up on me. It just angers me, how people contort and twist and attempt to brainwash kids like that. It certainly did its damage to me, and its been about four or five years since I went to that school. Among the scary messages there were many other things. The teachers talked about the students behind their backs, they manipulated like crazy to get their way, often for some reason we were demeaned during class in front of lots of people, the list goes on. But its over, its done, and Im thankful to be out of such a place. I will not dwell on the reasons why Im like this today, but on the solutions to the problems, because thats all that matters now. Thank you all, God bless you.

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  6. mike61382 15 years ago

    Gabbs! What kind of movies do you enjoy seeing?

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  7. OddGabbie 15 years ago

    I actually like lots of kinds of movies. Weird movies like Donnie Darko and A Clockwork Orange. Superhero movies, some action movies, comedies. It usually just depends on my mood sometimes. Most of the time though I cant watch apocalyptic movies, any kind of that genre bothers me endlessly. I tried to list as many as I could on my page, I always forget some though.

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