Well, I made it. I\'m 55 years old today. My whole life changed in about a year. I was very close to not making it to my birthday but with the grace of God I am here, celebrating my birthday.

Man, I went through some stuff this past year. Being diagnosed, denying it (still a little bit in denial I think), deciding to live rather than give up.

When I left for work this morning and I was walking along the platform at the train station I looked at the sky and saw a beautiful sunrise. Now I\'ve seen better looking sunrises but this one was just so beautiful to me today. Helped put me in the right frame of mind. Then I listened to this gospel song by Hezekiah Walker called We Made it and I realized that I did make it! I made it to my next birthday. A small victory to some, but a victory nevertheless!

You know, despite all the crap that is going on in the world, it\'s still good to be alive. It\'s good to have friends like I have who have been there for me and supported me. It\'s good to have a group like Tribe to go to and meet others in the same boat as me who don\'t judge you but just reach out to you and try to help you. I\'ve made some friends in here and they\'ve been really cool. Sending me comments and stuff each day. That does wonders. You just don\'t know. Then I have the best friend any one can have in the whole wide world. I\'m talking about Wishuponastar! What a wonderful person she is. She is the true meaning of the word Love!

So now that I\'m older, that I\'ve made it to another year, I feel like I should try to help somebody who might be just starting down the road I\'ve already travelled. Even though I still have a long way to go I think I can help make a difference to someone. So if there\'s anyone who needs a friend, a helping hand, an inspiration, I would gladly be that person. It\'s the least I can do.

All you good people from this group who have accepted me and took me in as a friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I shall not be beaten and neither will you. I\'m gonna live and enjoy every moment that I can. Come good or bad times. I\'ve come a long way and so can you. \"\"



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