Hi everyone, im a 28 single farther with Major depression with Social Anxiety, Panic attacks, GID. I have been dealing with Anxiety all my life as I look back I regnize it starting about 10. I have realling onley reganized that that i had it and what it was for the since I was about 20. I am starting to deal with it better and beter overtime. I did alot of drugs my teenage years untill I realized I had a mental health problem and i have been coving up my promblems with drugs with even knowing it and letting people influence me easly. NO IDEA OF WHAT MENTAL HEALTH MEANT. Had my Angle Lizzie when I was 23 and she is the best thing that ever happen to be me, but I still had the same mental health promblems. I had seveval appartments and then a house and got rid of it about 2 years ago becuase of fincial problems relate to anxiety. im moved back in with my mom and have great support but still dont understand it. I had the same job for about 6-7 years off and on becuase and of panic attacks and my mental health. Basicly a typical day is–take care of my kid with the help of my mom and sit my house alone. take her to preschool go back home go pick her up take care of her and really the only fun i ever have is spending time with my kid and the after she goes to sleep im sit alone and watch tv with High Anxiety till im finnally fall asleep. I WAS JUST TRYING TO GIVE A LITTLE INFO ON MY ANXIETY AND TRYING TO FIND MORE WAYS TO HELP MYSELF. just writhing this knowing someone is going to read it is trigging me and making my anxiety go up.



1 Comment
  1. sallie 11 years ago

    You are doing all the right things, you have support of your family. Mom probably won\'t fully understand unless you\'ve been there I don\'t think you can but she is there to offer support. Good on you for being there for your daughter. I agree with bridgie101, find something for you to enjoy what ever it maybe to get you out to meet people.
    And thank you for being so brave in writing about yourself.

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