I had decided to look into going back to school to expand my mind ~ I'm 42 years old and did not want to go back to school but I felt I needed a change. So what better thing to do than to do something I didn't want to do in the first place!


I already had in mind I wanted a Saturday morning class at a Community College somewhat close to where I live. After I got the schedule and saw a class I was interested in ~ Medical Billing ~ I thought it was perfect! Then I read the information much more closely: the class is on Tues and Thurs from 5:30 pm to 8 pm with a $375 charge! YIKES! Plus, the class is at a different College which is furthest away from my house! I quickly closed my mind and told myself 'never mind'. I don't go out during the weekdays. Besides, what about the TV shows I watch during the evenings! Then something inside me said, 'why not do it? It's what you want'….then I heard, 'you're making excuses again. Stop it.' The negative thinking I was accusomed to would creep into my mind which would have me hesitate to do anything but this time, things are different. I'm different. Since it's only one class, I don't qualify for Financial Aide. I do have a credit card. I can make payments.


Things aren't the way I wanted them to be but….isn't that the point in life? Things may not be the way I want them to be ~ it's simply….a different road to reaching the goal I want. It wasn't the road I was expecting but it's a road I wish to take.This course, the days, the time, the charge, the distance ~ these are all completely out of my comfort zone. But this time, instead of holding myself back, I'm going to push myself to do it.


So, come January, I'm going to register, take the course which begins January 29 and ends in April. I'll be getting some experience to add to my resume and hopefully, will also bring a much needed new job.


2013. New year. New attitude.


Peace all.


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