Well, it's Thursday. What that means, I don't really know ~ except that I'm 2 days away from working a longer shift. I'm nervous, but I know I'll be okay. I'm still frustrated by the lack of hours I'm getting, but yet grateful for anything I do get. My paycheck yesterday allowed us some breathing room to get through till tomorrow.

Again I had another night of shallow sleep. I think the problem is that I take deep naps in the afternoon and it messes with my sleep cycle at night. I got out of bed in the middle of the night to use the restroom, but by the time I came back, my husband had taken over the whole bed. I went upstairs to my favorite couch and decided to sleep there instead, but it took me a long time to reach a place where my mind was quiet enough TO sleep. I actually slept until 9 this morning and felt really guilty about it. 🙁 I don't like leaving Zachary alone in the mornings, he usually gets up around 7 a.m. But after yesterday's workout I think my body really needed it. We're going again tonight to do the power-walking and hopefully play tennis if Mike, Michelle and Heidi come too.

Well, I made one of the biggest steps (and hardest) in my life yesterday by telling Mom that when she sells the house we're going to go on our own. She understood, and she knows she's always welcome to come visit with us for awhile and stay, but I know her heart's desire is to move up with her sister in Blairsville, GA in the mountains and probably work for them. So in the meantime, before we put the house on the market, Aaron and I are going to have to scramble to save up money to move out. We're really going to have to pare down on unnecessary things and outings that cost money. Everything is going to have to be free or very close to it. I see a lot of fishing, going to the beach and the river, and hanging out with friends.

This weekend is my friend Michelle's birthday weekend, and we're trying to figure out what to do for her. Maybe we can throw her a small party and do a cookout on the grill and sit around and have a few drinks and relax. That would be nice. But we're going to have to coordinate with Mike on all of this since I don't know what his plans are for her birthday.

I'm supposed to clean the birds cages today ~ yuck. Not one of my favorite tasks. But we're getting Miller moths (these little brown moths that multiply like crazy) from the leftover food they drop in the bottom of the cage.

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 11 years ago

    So far, so good.

    0 kudos

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