Perfect as Usual

Miracles are natural. -A Course in Miracles

As my ll-year-old friend Tasha sat down to eat some noodles she had cooked for lunch, I asked her, "How did your noodles turn out?" Tasha smiled and answered, "Perfect-as usual!" Tasha's answer reminded me that perfection is our natural state. Life was intended to work perfectly; it does and it will. Those who attune their vision to behold perfection will find it, create more good, and enjoy it. Those whose sight is set on loss, victimization, and death will continually manifest those experiences.

Some psychologists did an experiment on children's attitudes. They took a child who was considered negative and unappreciative and placed him in a room with a collection of new toys. He played with each toy for a few minutes and then complained that he was bored. Then the scientists took a child described as positive and optimistic and put him in a room with a huge pile of horse manure. Soon he smiled and exclaimed, "This is great!"

"Why is that?" one of the researchers asked him.

Quickly he answered, "There must be a pony somewhere!"

Miracles, perfection, healing, and happiness are not elusive and remote conditions. They represent our natural state, given as our birthright from God. We were not born to suffer; we were born to be happy. To find and live the truth, we must reverse the "laws" taught by the world. If something can go right, it will. Death and taxes are not sure things. The purpose of relationships is love. To find the good is not Pollyanna; it is the only way that works.

Experiment for a day, week, month, year, or lifetime by claiming, "Perfect as usual," and refuse to settle for less. The life available to you is far greater than the one we have accepted.

Help me remember that I deserve love. Show me the world You intended for me to enjoy.

I live in a worid of good. I claim perfection now.


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