so yesterday turned out to be a good and surprising day.  My friend Sam, who gave me an ultimatum when I was in the hospital he made it clear that he did not like the facility (I didn't really either) said I should be going to 90 day rehab to get off my psych meds. blah blah blah thats not what rehab is for.  They prescribe psych meds in rehab. so anyway he gave me the ultimatum, I said no and he said he was going to have to distance himself from me.  He accidently left wth my spare car and house keys…I have been patient but had asked for them back 3 times.  I sent the last email the day before yesterday, and got no response.  then yesterday morning the phone rang while I was in the shower and I was conviinced that it was my sister cancelling on me. so then when I was getting out of the shower there was a knock on my door.  I asked whoever it was to hang on for a sec while I got dressed (I have a very small apartment).  I checked the caller ID on the phone and the call was from Sam.  Then I go to the door and it was Sam.  He brought my keys back and wanted to talk.  he said I looked and seemed much better, and he was glad.  He wanted to go get something to eat but my sister was coming to visit.  He hung out and we talked until my sister got here.  I am so relieved that Sam came yesterday and we talked.  We have been friends since we were 13 years old, 25 years.  It broke my heart to think that it was gone just like that. I can't say it enough I am so relieved, my heart was broken over it and now it is on the mend.  from that wound anyway.  Then my sister arrived.  I was really nervous about her visit…it turns out that it went really well. we talked and went through a box of old family photos.  some of my great grandparents as chidren and also of their parents.  I had no idea who the photos were of.  It was really nice.  It turned out to be a pretty good day and I was expecting a crappy and stressful one.


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