Hi all this is my introduction; Can you relate in any way?
Over recent years I have left good jobs inc.( Chartered surveyor (real estate professional) Night club manager all because of the way I feel along with the actual affects that these problems continually created in my every day life, if you know what I mean? ( anxiety, low self -esteem and depression etc ; I felt that these have eaten me to the core again and again) These conditions have been created by circumstances in my childhood at school and have gone on from there..
I left work in March of this year in order to ” sort my self out¨ and for months on end I felt like I was actually getting worse!!! (Not seeing people, being negative, ruminating to goals and no real day to day life etc) I sort help from my Doctor as soon as I became ill, I was referred to a mental health support team and was also given medication. It felt like for ages that I was just plodding along and the medical support I was receiving were just going through the standard processes, not really discovering or taking my needs in to consideration which made me feel like crap.!!!
I then started using the internet looking and support groups which were specifically on the net. I came across some good Msn groups, where I could vent, relate to what others were saying and also seek advice. Through doing this there was a noticed change in me.
I have noticed that my past anxiety has created social anxiety, I did not relies how much that played a role in how if have felt until I discovered a social anxiety group on Msn.
Through looking at one of the groups I discovered this site, It was recommended and that it was worth looking at as it was like;¡¨ Myspace for people with depression¡¨ ever since then I have been using this site to interact with others.
I am now in a position where I am taking more control over my life through taking baby steps, but I do find it pretty hard some days! I Have been researching the specific support I need, working closely with my support team, and just recently joined to self help courses Assertiveness and social anxiety, in which I have been taking an active role in.
I just want to thank EVERY SINGLE PERSON simply being here as believe my it is helping.
Cheers, Moving Forward ļ


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