I made it to class and I'm not as angry anymore. Then again, I also obviously brought my computer with me so I feel calm. I can't sit still for a two hour long class without something to keep my mind sharp. If I have to sit still with nothing but a presentation in front of me, I start to fidget and/or get tired. Even worse, my anger begins to build. I'm probably the only person in this class that becomes actually angry sitting here. Probably should address that in therapy, huh?…

I didn't get to charge my computer that much though so I don't think I'll make it through the entire class. I also have to work in a group a bit later. Bah.

I sorta had a weird night. I was trying to read The Reality Dysfunction when I kinda just got fed up. I read the reviews of it on Amazon and pretty much no one seems to mention the fact that, uh, yeah…this guy is describing things like planets, stars, frigates, etc. and is doing so in a very detailed, scientific way. I end up confused and just completely skipping past parts. I mean, yeah, I read every word…doesn't mean I understand it all…

So at 10:30pm, I went to the library. Thankfully, unlike back home, everything doesn't close at 10:00pm. I spent about an hour and a half searching for a book to read only to find that my library has almost no new books. I searched Amazon for all sorts of author names to plug in and didn't find one damn book. Peter Hamilton has written at least 5 books and my school library has none of them.

I had asked someone at the front if they had a new books section – hell my local library does and they can barely afford heat in the winter – and was told that they used to but don't anymore because of funding. I just sorta thought oh, they don't have a section for it anymore. Now I think it's because they can't afford new books period

This makes it difficult to search for a new read. Everything is falling apart and feels kinda dirty, like it's been dropped in the dirt and ripped and torn at. I know you shouldn't "judge a book by its cover" but this is why design is so very important – I'm a design oriented person, it's what I do and I know that it matters. You make a book cover bland and boring, I'm not going to look at the content. There are thousands of books in this library, I can't read the summary of every single one. They need to be distinct.

Also making it difficult is this library's asinine way of categorizing books. Want Sci fi? Want fantasy? Want sports writing? It's allllll under "literature". Yep. I was looking at books about Mark Twain, sports, comics, and all sorts of crap crammed into one area. WTF? So you stick 30 year old rotting books about every topic under the sun into one big category? At home, there is a mystery section, a new book section, a fiction section (for like fantasy, sci fi, horror, you get the idea), and a non-fiction section with a specific area for town census info and whatnot. It was so much fun searching these rows and rows of books that had been intelligently laid out in a very simple manner. Hell, they even had particular areas for oversized books and paperbacks! Here, the call numbers all look like PN39583.D9853.G029383 and I can't make sense of that. BTW, the P in that apparently stands for "literature"…

I left emptyhanded and somewhat depressed. Then I realized crap, I'm hungry, it's after midnight, Wendy's is closed…what can I eat? So I scrounged up my last bit of money and bought a pizza, the majority of which is still sitting in my room. I haven't eaten yet today. Don't really feel hungry or even well. I don't recall being extremely hungry yesterday either, even when I bought the pizza.

Dunno. =/

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 14 years ago

    Print this one out and take it too. Maybe the therapist will let you read them. Voice counts too.

    0 kudos

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