Warning – this rant could be considered offensive by those with a I.Q relative to a soap dish. Opinions are stated in the best possible way at the time of thought, please do not attempt to take comments out of context or absorb comments in the most negative way possible. Also please note that in situations where the term ‘all’ or ‘every’ is used that this term is used for the purpose of gerenalization and is not an abosolute. If you find yourself deeply hurt or offended by these opinions, and feel the need to comment in a negative fashion to these OPINIONS because of you not agreeing with them, please remove yourself from the human gene pools promptly.

  So where the hell are we? as a species I mean. I live in the USA which until the reign of Bush was a pretty nice place to live, we were respected some what, a world power and of course hated. Any decent country has to be hated because all the little lazy bastards in the world need someone to point at and blame otherwise they have to look in the fucking mirror and take responsibility. My major issue with this? Why are we ‘helping’ people that obviously don’t want our help? "Heres freedom Habeeb!" boom. Fuck that, kill’em all and let god sort them out. What happened to the days of world war 2? we knew how to kick ass and take names back then, now we do this ‘stationed’ shit where we send OUR young men and women out to help someone that NO ONE in this country except for the fucking bleeding heart fucking media cares about. You think I gave a shit about Iraq or ANYONE else before this war? no. You think I give one now? FUCK no. So why the fuck are my friends being shipped out to a god forsaken waste land to DIE just so bush and his friends can make a couple bucks? We should just send our soldiers out there with PA systems, the system repeats in all the languages there at a decent speed to say away from the soldiers and anyone within 100 feet will be shot without question. If they are too fucking stupid, to understand their OWN fucking language please don’t cry when they die, this is known as Darwinism. It’s nature picking those that just shouldn’t not go on. The war is a entire book in it’s self though….
    When the hell did we become such a pussy ass country? You know before Bush I was PROUD to be american, now I push my German heratige because I hate being called a "american". We are a fucking joke to the world, we have special fucking ed as the god damn leader of this nation, everyone KNOWS he’s selling us down the river to make is little buddies and his daddy rich fuckers and we just bend over and hold our ankles through the whole god damn thing. What the fuck? Why are we protecting the lowest god damn bidder? Why do TVs and Hair Dryers have warning tags on them? Seriously if someone is stupid enough to use either around water, this is known as Darwinism, they are being removed by nature so they do not infect the rest of this population. What the hell is going on with people? When did everyone become so unable to fend for themselves. Gas prices, has anyone LOOKED at this? everyone is so happy out here in cali because gas is less than 4 bucks a gallon, HELLO! 4 bucks a gallon why are you fucking happy? 10 years ago it was 98 cents a gallon, in Venesuala or whatever it’s called it’s 30 cents a gallon RIGHT NOW. And you know this shit, they are going to jack gas prices then when they release some new fuel like Hydrogen they are going to lower the price a buck and charge every 5 dollars a gallon and everyone is going to say what a blessing it is, in reality we are getting fucked harder. Right now we pay like 100 bucks a barrel of gas, so roughly 2 dollars a gallon is what the gas companies pay, then they charge us 4 bucks. So they are making a 100% mark up. When hydrogen comes out it’ll cost them aabout 15 cents a gallon and we will pay about 3 bucks and think we’re blessed in this country again… HOLY CRAY are you people paying fucking attention!?? … Dear god… anyway, i’m going to go into MS word and right  whole bunch of this shit down then post it on here. I’m tired of keeping this to myself…


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