1. avery2003 4 years ago

    I feel the exact same way. I’m just not sure what I am.

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  2. vee-r 4 years ago

    Hey, don’t feel so pressured to label yourself. Sometimes you just like what you like, and the label will come to you. When I was in middle school, I considered myself bi because I liked both genders. Then after high school, I thought I was a lesbian because I had only been dating women for a long while. But come to realize that I still found men attractive and even had a couple of crushes on men here and there. What made it hard to know was that I have been in a committed relationship with a woman for almost 6 years now. Just last year, I found out that I like people for their personality. I never felt comfortable saying i was pansexual and even bisexual didn’t feel right. Until I realized that I was pansexual. I realized this when I was 25. So like I said, time will tell. Right now, you don’t necessarily have to label yourself. It may feel like an identity crisis, but trust me, if you just trust your heart and like who you like, eventually, you will find out. Some people don’t even like labels.

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  3. piscesbs 4 years ago

    My name’s Ashur. Ashur Nora. I’m omniamorous, if that makes you feel any better. I JUST figured out and I’m almost 19. It’s like if you were to put poly and pan in a room and force them to fight. But, then they fight MORE because sometimes the gender CAN affect it, but usually, I focus on personality. Due to trauma, I don’t usually date cisgender men. I didn’t even know pan OR poly were a thing, cuz I was still trying to find out my gender identity for the longest time (masculine genderflux). It’s hard to know what to call one’s sexuality when they’re non-binary. But I have the potential to date practically ANY gender (but I MAY date more than one), so…I wasn’t honestly sure I was GONNA figure it out (same with my gender). Like vee-r said, don’t feel pressure for labels, but -if you do- that’s GREAT! The label’s only really a way to give yourself a sense of belonging.But -honey- no matter what you are, no matter what you stand for, you belong anyways.

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