Really struggling today. I saw my PCP yesterday and she ran a bunch of bloodwork and did an EKG...
Nag of love???
Littlewing, , Addiction, Anxiety, Marriage & Family, Anger, Child, Medication, Questions, Relationships, 7You ever fall in love with someone for no reason. That’s kind of where i am. I have no...
Please Help Me
JElaine0402, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Forgiveness, Medication, Self Help, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, 6When they say depression is paralyzing, they mean in every possible aspect of your life. Friends, careers, family, music,...
Tiff’s Journey
TiffLCof, , Uncategorized, Bipolar, Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Medication, Questions, Schizophrenia, Therapist, Therapy, 0Hi, I’m Tiff. I had just been discharged from therapy and I was thinking about my life. My life...
Really getting to know someone
Littlewing, , Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Marriage & Family, Addiction, Anxiety, Medication, Weight Loss, 0I don’t want to admit it but both my parents were addicts under the blanket. They Both used something...
An Introduction
Aynia, , Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Medication, Psychosis, PTSD, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, 0I want to add a trigger warning at the beginning of this because it deals with suicidality, self harm...
Twiggysiren, , Uncategorized, Anxiety, Medication, Obesity, PTSD, Relationships, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Weight Loss, 0I am frustrated that my banishing spells aren’t working and I’m feeling all out of sorts energetically. I don’t...
my kids
ladylaurenstars, , Marriage & Family, Anxiety, Child, Domestic Abuse, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Medication, Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, 0My kids know I am a lesbian and they wont speak to me. They asked me right in front...
This month is time to celebrate and the heal for the all the bad things that have happened to...